Friday 18 September 2015


It all started at my friend's house , who lives next door . We went up into his room . We played a game we learnt on television . It was an American game called Truth or Dare ! My friend went first and I said , " Dare ! " He dared to go to the old deserted house down the road with him . 

          We finally reached the house . I made him come in me . He said , " We should split up ." I agreed with him so we split up . I ran into a lot of cobwebs . I saw the light on in a distant room . I opened the door and the light in turned off . I closed it and it turned back on . I stepped andwent in . A picture was lying on the floor and i picked it up . Then i looked at it and the picture looked back at me . It said "Hi ," and I threw it back on the floor and ran . 

            Then , I went by a little mouse . I gave it some food just for that little mouse and it bit me in the hand and smiled. I yelled out loud . Suddenly , I heard someone running towards me . I called my friend's name , but there was no answered . The next thing I knew I was falling very fast , I saw someone in the distance falling with me . I landed in some clear water and then the caped stranger jumped at me . I hit him on the head with my  flashlight and he threw up a golden coin.

              I ended up back in the room that  I had started from . Then I saw my friend  running towards me . We headed towards the entrance door . It slammed  shut and locked by itself . I put the keyhole I put the golden coin and the opened . We were afriad so we left running for my friend's house . We will never play Truth or Dare ! ever again . 
Done by Ji 



Is it hi or hey? It's Yon here and recently IVE GOT A NEW PUPPY! WOOHOO YAY ME. Well it's not exactly recent because I actually got him about 2 months ago. My family and I went to Empire on Friday after school for lunch ,and on our way back to the car park we stopped by this pet store where I first laid eyes on the love of my life. It was the cutest little light brown and white Shih Tzu dog snuggling in the corner.

He looks just like a toy when he doesn't move. ^^^
The edge of its ears were black which slowly fades from brown to white and if you take a closer look you will notice it has one blue colored eye and a brown/black one. I'll admit it looks strange but that's just what makes it unique. According to the sales person, it had just arrived to the store a day before we decided to buy it. Coincidence? I think not. For years I had been yearning for a dog and I guess my parents finally gave in. XD

Finn is about 4 months old now. He was born on the 21th of April as you can see he's still a little puppy. :D

Caught Finny in his leisure time 

Finn trying to chew on my bag

You have no idea how long it takes to take a decent picture of Finn.


He may look cute and innocent but this little fur ball of fluffiness is actually a real pain when it comes to keeping him clean. If you ask me to describe Finn in 2 words then it would be poop machine or chocolate factory. We managed to get him a little under control we his "excreting" position problems now. When Finn first came, he would just go willy-nilly on the ground. Sometimes my dad would yell at Finn for it and he'll sit in the corner quietly which makes all our frustration vanish because just who can resist an adorable guilty looking dog.
Finn is sometimes really stubborn but he isn't incorrigible. The cuteness always makes up for it, I mean how co
uld you not help but love him.

We still aren't letting Finn go around the house without any supervision because Finn will just chew or even swallow anything and when I mean everything I mean anything he that he can fit in his mouth like a stray tissue, leave, or even tasteless broccoli. Yes,We've been feeding him that lately and he loves it. We'd also use bits of dog treats to tempt him into doing tricks but so far the only ones he know is giving out his little paw and come running at you when he hears you open the treat container.

He used to have a huge problem with bitting people. It's probably because he's still teething but he doesn't bite anymore unless you're a piece of cloth or did something to irritate him. Besides, his teeth aren't sharp enough to leave a bruise yet.

Sometimes, my dad will throw him into the air and he would just squirm for a second before falling back into his arms which is the funniest thing ever. Speaking of Finn the stunt dog, it was my first time carrying a very hyper Finn back into the house but he won't stop struggling and I accidentally dropped him from about a meter high. I felt so bad after that and don't trust myself enough to carry him high up with my bare hands. This is probably the reason why Finn's so scared of heights, he even shivers when he's placed on a stool which is understandable though because just imagine plummeting onto to ground from a place about 4 times your own height.

As much trouble Finn may bring, he's totally worth it. He brought back that cheerful energy back into our family which I can't thank him enough for. (This sounds so corny but oh well)

Finn may or may not be named after an Adventure Time characters. Oh well. The world might never know. Finn is now a dog with a blog. (You know that tv show?) You're welcome Finny. :)



I walked out and took in a deep breath of fresh air. It's getting really stuffy in that little wooden cottage. I gazed up upon the mountains only to see my family's castle covered in treacherous vines that had grown in every corner. 

First, let me introduce myself. My name's Aurora and I am currently 16. I currently live with my step mother in one of my kingdom's cottages. I know what are your thoughts while reading this. Isn't Aurora suppose to be living happily ever after with a prince? No matter, you'll get up to speed soon enough. Anyways, ever heard of the famous tale of sleeping beauty? Of course you had but let me what tell you my version of what really happened to this kingdom. 

You see that castle on the peak of the mountain right there? It rightfully belongs to me and my family. What happened isn't some cliche about a damsel in distress waiting for her so called "true love's kiss". Believe me because if anyone knows it's got to be me. Someone from the neighboring kingdom probably came up with that cringe worthy plot. You see, rumors are like glitter, once it's thrown out there it's pretty much impossible to retrieve it back.

It all started when parents held a celebration for my birth and invited the entire kingdom along with every fairy in the land except for the said to be devilishly devious Maleficent. Everyone was having a blast until she decided to crash their party and confront the king and Queen, suggesting there must had made a mistake with the invitations as she had received none. 

Concerned of their reputations, the king and Queen allowed Maleficent to stay. 

Then, the fairies each begun giving the princess enchanting gifts. Maleficent thought to herself : the gift of beauty and song? How ridiculous. How far can physical appearance and having a good voice take you in life? I shall bestow upon her the greatest give of all- the ability to understand. As she stood up from her seat and made her way to the crib, she could feel every pair of eyes in the room boring into her back as they watched her cautiously. "I too shall bestow a give to the child-" before she could even finish her 

sentence she was interrupted. 

"Stop at once! I won't let you do her any harm. Your majesty, she was going to curse your daughter with death by a prick on the spinning wheel," yelled Merryweather- the youngest fairy who was said to be able to see the future. 

"My word. Guards, seize her at once," the king quickly ordered. 

Feeling misconceived and tired of her good intentions being falsely accused Maleficent finally snapped.

"The kingdom is to fall into a hundred years of slumber until one can learn to understand shall it be awaken," Maleficent said before putting everyone into a sleep like death. After a few moments, her actions finally sank in and realization overwhelmed her. "What have I done," she said before crumpling to the ground. 

"Magnificent, Maleficent! Everything went according as I planned. Thanks to you, I now have all the riches in the kingdom because I certainly couldn't had done it alone without your kind of power and sorcery," said the youngest fairy while emerging from the shadows before laughing wickedly. 

"Look at what you made me do," Maleficent yelled, while referring to the everyone lying motionlessly on the ground. 

" Oh, cheer up, will you? These people never even tried to understand you before taking you for things willy-nilly now did they?" said the youngest fairy while raising a delicate eyebrow. 

" Well no..." 

" Didn't they senselessly assume nasty things about you? Didn't they accuse you for being someone you're not? So why even defend them?" The youngest fairy smirked to herself knowing her persuasion was a success.

"You know what? Maybe you're right," caught up in hatred and anguish Maleficent decided not to undo her curse. 

"That's great. Now, if you'd excuse me. I have a lot collecting to do," the fairy said before flying off through the window. 

Maleficent walked over to the crib and lift the sleeping baby girl. With the wave of a finger the baby awakens. The baby looked up and gave Maleficent a wide grin which she then returned with one of her own. She did a hand motion to the orb on her staff and a series of flickering green lights were presented to the baby in which giggled bubbly in response. 

"Oh? What's that? You like these lights don't you? Hmm... Let's call you... Aurora," Maleficent said, smiling upon the baby "No need to fret child. I'll teach you to understand. You'll see,". 

That was it folks. The true version to the tale Sleeping Beauty, even though technically I didn't sleep all that much in the story. Maleficent is practically my step mother because she raised me but she won't have to if she hadn't put my biological parents to sleep for a hundred years. She told me I'll learn to understand and then only will I rejoice with my family and kingdom. These thoughts ran through my mind as I was making sure she is fast asleep. On the contrary, does she understand she's holding me against my will to be with my family? I sneaked out of the house.Does she understand how miserable it is to endure another day with her? I ran through the garden and unlocked the wooden gates Does she understand how to understand?

I don't know what lies ahead of me but I do know one thing. No she doesn't. And I make a run for it.

There's no turning back as I ran into the woods and away from my step mother. But that's a whole different story. 


I hope y'all enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Ffn.

Gods or Anime ???

Hi people I am Ji and would like to talk about my favourite anime " The Seven Deadly Sins ".

The Seven Deadly Sins

Name : The Seven deadly Sins (English)
              Nanatsu No Taizai (Japanese)
Chapters : 140 (Manga)
                    24  (Anime) 
Categories :Action , Adventure , Comedy , Fantasy ,                      Romance , Supernatural.
Characters :
The main character


The leader of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Sin of Wrath with the symbol of the Dragon. He is the main male protagonist, the owner of the Boar Hat bar, and the first Sin to join Elizabeth on her quest to end the Holy Knights' coup. His wanted poster, which depicted him as a rugged but handsome man with a goatee, seems to be completely inaccurate, as he is revealed to be a young-looking blonde boy. Despite having the appearance of an adolescent, being only five feet tall, Meliodas is actually several thousand years old and incredibly powerful. Meliodas carries around a broken sword hilt with a dragonic appearance that he never lets go of willingly. It is later revealed that the hilt is a key fragment for the Demon clan. His most distinctive trait is his Dragon symbol carved at the top of his arm, just below his shoulders. Despite being called the Sin of Wrath, Meliodas acts more like a mellow trickster who is often seen fondling Elizabeth one way or another. 

Elizabeth Lyonesse

The main viewpoint character of the story as well as its primary female protagonist, Elizabeth is the third princess of Liones who sought the aid of the Seven Deadly Sins after the Great Holy Knights seized control of the kingdom. After finding Meliodas, she becomes a waitress at his bar and continues to travel with him in search of the remaining Sins. Though she is a princess of Liones, she is not actually the biological daughter of the king, Baltra, instead having been adopted by him after her original kingdom Danafor was destroyed. 

Draw by Michelle

A talking pig and Meliodas' pet companion. He is introduced as the cleaner of the Boar Hat bar who helps remove the disgusting food scraps left on the ground by eating them. Hawk found Meliodas in a ditch sixteen years ago and the two formed a mobile bar together, having been together since. They often engage in harmless banter, with Hawk frequently seen scolding Meliodas for his perverted actions towards Elizabeth.

The Seven Deadly Sins :

  Diane -Sin of Envy with symbol of serpent.

Ban-Sin of Greed with symbol of fox.

         King-Sin of Sloth with symbol of bear . 

Gowther-Sin of Lust with symbol of goat.

     Merlin-Sin of Gluttony with symbol of boar.

Escanor-Sin of Pride with symbol of lion.
Other characters: Hawk's mama , Elaine , Olsow , Cain Brazad , Liz , Bratra Lyonesse , Margaret Lyinesse , Veronica Lyonesse , Arthur Pentagon, Jenna , Zaneli , Matrona
Holy Knights : Great Holy Knight , Weird Fangs,                             Dawn Roar
The demon clan : Ten Commandments & Lower                                   demon 
Synopsis : In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. However, a small subset of the Knights supposedly betrayed their homeland and turned their blades against their comrades in an attempt to overthrow the ruler of Liones. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights, called the "Seven Deadly Sins," were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état, and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones.Based on the best-selling manga series of the same name, Nanatsu no Taizaifollows the adventures of Elizabeth, the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, and her search for the Seven Deadly Sins. With their help, she endeavors to not only take back her kingdom from the Holy Knights, but to also seek justice in an unjust world.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Favourite YouTubers?

When it comes to lifting moods or killing time, YouTube is always the best solution next to going on Wattpad. Just getting a notification stating that one of your favourite YouTuber has finally posted a new video after waiting for a week or more can brighten up your day. 

If you too share a weird fetish for the British culture and accent then you’ve definitely come to the right place. I mean just who doesn’t fancy their British accents? Am I right or am I right people? (If you don’t agree with me then I’m sorry? *hangs head in shame* Anywho…) What are you even waiting for?Get scrolling and click the links to their channel already because you’re missing out on some of the best YouTube videos ever. Geez. Where have you been all your life? Working at the Krusty Krab at the bottom the ocean? I’m just kidding haha I bet that y’all are just laughing at my amazing humour aren’t y’all? ;) jk. Anyways, get clicking because these YouTubers are the real deal people. 


Firstly, Zoella or otherwise known as Zoe Sugg, she is a 25 year old English YouTuber that videos consist of beauty, baking, home deco, vlogs etc. With over 9 million subscribers at her channel and growing, she is huge in the YouTube scene but still manages to remain humble. The lovely Zoella has the best cheerful and enthusiastic  personality and is also a great role model and inspiration to many. 

Her videos are pleasant, fun to watch and definitely worth your while which is why I am recommending every each one of you to check her channel out: Zoella

PS: You are very welcome :)
PSS: She also has a vlogging channel! : MoreZoella
PSSS: WAIT. She also runs a blog: Zoella | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

Thatcher Joe

Joe Sugg’s YouTube name is so because he used to worked as a roof thatcher but that’s in the pass now because he’s currently a successful YouTuber with 5 million+ subscribers. To summarise who Joe Sugg appears to be, I would say he’s an odd combination of wit, humour and weird facial expressions.

 He does a large variety of videos from challengers to pranking his fellow YouTubers but I can safely assure you they are absolutely hilarious even if it’s just an ad video. I could’ve sworn being an great at YouTube runs in the family because Joe is the younger brother of Zoe Sugg. Although he doesn’t blog but he runs a gaming and vlogging channel 

Main channel: ThatcherJoe
Vlog channel:ThatcherJoeVlogs
Gamming channel: ThatcherJoeGames

Caspar Lee

I don’t even know where to begin with him. Caspar's videos are AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS. Out of every YouTuber I’ve watched so far Caspar comes close to first on my list. He is currently 21 and emphases on being a South African even though technically he was born in England. Caspar and Joe Suggs are roommates and rivalries when it comes to pranks. He does many collaboration videos with Joe which will make your parents question your mentality when you watch it because you’re laughing at the screen like the insane person you are.

 It is a huge MUST to check Caspar’s channel out but just make sure you’re picking the right ones or you’ll end up having the impression of him being a complete weirdo. Don’t believe me? Well then click this link: MY ONE DIRECTION AUDITION - YouTube to one of his video then tell me who’s overly exaggerating. HUH. At first you might think he’s a lil strange in the head but as you watch you’ll come to realize he is definitely unique. 

Main channel:Caspar
Vlog channel:morecaspar


Runned by 2 drop dead gorgeous twins, (I’m not even making this up) Jack and Finn Harries. In the past, Jacksgap was originally just Jack making videos in his room then his twin brother Finn joined in. Their videos were originally light-hearted and cheeky but ever since Finn went away to study architecture, Jacksgap is more of a travel blog now a days with more of a sophistication but still equally entertaining as before. 

Main channel: JacksGap

Coll is Cool

This may be a little out of the ordinary as she isn’t British but is still a worth mention. If you’re a hopelessly obsessed fangirl of 4 particular Aussie lads then this channel is more than perfect for you. Her name says it all. Colleen isn’t just cool but her video contents are extremely creative and hilarious as well. If you aren’t too fond of 5sos then this channel really isn’t for you. On the contrary, if you are then what are you waiting for? 

Main channel: UCv0VFdX86s-AEVADE0N0duA

Thank you for reading my rambles on my favourite YouTubers and hopefully y’all found this helpful. Farewell for now. :D xYon